Acumatica is the best replacement for Dynamics GP in the marketplace today.  No doubt.”

More of the many reasons why Acumatica is the best ERP to replace Dynamics GP, Great Plains, Dynamics (we all have called it many things!).  This is Part 2 of a series saying goodbye to Dynamics GP after nearly 30 years of using and implementing it. 

Find part 1 in the series here.

Dimensions Vs Sub-Accounts?  Give me Sub-Accounts, please!

If you are evaluating ERP systems to replace Dynamics GP (and you should be), you have likely heard the term “Dimensions” or “Dimensional Accounting” in your research.  If you are a Dynamics GP user, you know that GP uses sub-account segments with a natural account and perhaps several sub-accounts separated by dashes.  For decades we have used these segmented sub-accounts and have grown to like them, despite the difficulty of managing them.  Then came along dimensions. Actually, dimensions in accounting have been used for a while in many ERP systems.  Even Dynamics GP attempted a form of it in the “add-on” of Analytical Accounting (remember that?).   But dimensions in general can be confusing.

Ask accountants what dimensions are and how do they work?  Maybe they can answer, maybe they cannot.  But ask accountants “what is a sub-account”, chances are they know what it is and how it’s used.   Even more confusing, dimensions are not used the same way in all ERP systems!   System conversions are already difficult, why add more complexity?

Use Sub-Accounts!

You might see claims that dimensions are an “easy way to manage sub-accounts”, but why not use sub-accounts in the first place?  Acumatica does and translating from GP to Acumatica is easily done.   The conversion is usually a straight path—GP segment 1 becomes Acumatica sub-account 1, segment 2 becomes sub-account 2, etc.

As mentioned, General Ledger Accounts in GP are set up as multiple segments.  Each segment represents some an area the GL natural account, a department, a product group, or warehouse.  Segmented accounts are easy and work very well.   As we all know segmented GL accounts can be difficult to manage.  In GP, individual accounts must be created for ALL combinations used. The number of combinations can be staggering.   Acumatica resolves this problem and makes managing the chart of accounts very simple.

Here is an example of a three-segment account in GP:



Here it is in Acumatica:

 Account: 1200  Sub-account: 100-10

Simple but very flexible and easy for end-users to understand.  Sub-Accounts in Acumatica can be used in all combinations however you need them, without creating the huge number of individual accounts like we had to in GP.

Acumatica’s Sub-Accounts Are Easy For Accounting Teams

The concept of dimensions in accounting isn’t difficult but dimensions in general seem to cause end-users some angst.  These kind of questions invariably arise during implementation:

  • Are “dimensions” used as currency or units, both?
  • Why are they called dimensions, aren’t these just additional segments?
  • Are they actual measurements like inches or feet?
  • Do they attach at the end of the account, or do they just float out there?
  • How do I use them in designing financial statements?  My operations team knows sub-accounts, how do I now explain “dimensions”?
  • Are they required in all cases?

All of this seems to be an unnecessary bit of confusion that can be avoided by using sub-accounts as they are configured in Acumatica.  This was a key part of our research to find a new ERP system to implement in place of Dynamics GP.

The verdict?  Utilize the flexibility and ease of sub-Accounts offered by Acumatica.

Switch to Acumatica Now!

Time is running out.  Dynamics GP is slated for end of life in 2028.  Maybe that sounds like a long time, but there will be a mass exodus from GP and implementation companies will have no time to help you.  Think of the 10’s of thousands of GP customers who are leaving GP behind.  Don’t get caught in the long line.  You should do it now.

Let us show you how it can be done.

Contact me.  I need to get this process going!

Contact Me right away, I need help moving away from Dynamics GP!