Overview: Transform and Empower Your Business with the Best-In-Class Cloud ERP Solution

We Start With an Evaluation

No matter where you might be in terms of your software refinement journey, we can help! Let us partner with you and show you how Acumatica can help transform your business.


RefinedLogix Will Assess Your Needs and Establish a Strategy

Acumatica provides best-in-class business and industry functionality, technology leadership on a future-proof platform. Couple this with RefinedLogix deployment experience in a wide range of industries in simple to complex environments.

Formula For Success:

Acumatica has the Industry Editions

RefinedLogix has the Experience

Acumatica incorporates the functionality you need and RefinedLogix has the experience to deliver it.


Financials, Inventory Control, Order Management, CRM, Project Management, Time & Expense


Warehouse Management


Amazon, BigCommerce and Shopify Built-In Connectors


MRP, Production, Scheduling, Estimating


Project Management, Industry Integrations

Field Service

Field Service, Equipment, Route Management

The Payroll Solution: Our own Industry Solution for Fire & Rescue, Police and Muncipalities

Save time and money with the future-proof, digital-transformation power of Acumatical combined with our RescueLogix payroll calculation/smoothing software.


What Acumatica Customers Are Saying…

Interactive Videos

Acumatica In Action

Why We Chose To Partner with Acumatica

Our Approach

At the top we started with experience.  After everything is finished it all comes down to customer satisfaction. If you aren’t happy, we aren’t happy.

Customer Satisfaction

Community Partnership

RefinedLogix chose to partner with Acumatica because of the excitement we found in the user community.  The support, training materials, accessibility to great videos and real-world examples were second-to-none for similar software.  This will be critical for your long-term success as you launch into the 21st century.

Modern and Accessible Platform

Acumatica XRP Platform; Straightforward Development; Open API

Accumatica is built for the future. In the past, our consultants have had to have to apologize for the “baggage” of older ERP systems due to their age. Not Acumatica. Acumatica is built with all that you need now and the future.

Acumatica is designed and modified with Microsoft .NET Visual Studio technology not some obscure proprietary programming language. This development style is widely known and available for a vast number of developers. It is easily adaptable and familiar to .NET developers so you won’t be held hostage by a specialty group of expensive developers.

Integrations are a breeze with Acumatica’s open API technology. This was critical for the RefinedLogix line of products as well.

Support After the Sale 

Partner Support; Acumatica Support

The real test of a system is the support after the implementation and deployment. Customer support is critical. You don’t have to go any further than the customer satisfaction rankings for Acumatica.

Still Not Convinced?

More Great Information for You to Review

Request a Demo or Schedule and Appointment

Please contact me regarding Acumatica or RescueLogix combination.