ERP implementations are dreadful.

The right partner makes the difference.

ERP Implementation Winning Strategies.

Changing ERP Systems: A Winning Strategy

When we started implementing ERP Systems decades ago, our goal was to enjoy the process and make all customers happy and satisfied.   We quickly learned that this is a fantasy land.  ERP and software implementations are essentially miserable and difficult.  Seemingly enjoyed by no one.  Believe it or not, most of our implementations have been from failed starts.    Imagine having a new customer who is already fed up with bad consultants, is triggered by software jargon and “consultant speak”, and is exhausted from doing extra work in addition to their regular job?  This has been our world at RefinedLogix and we have come to enjoy the challenge of a difficult implementation, whether it is from the start or a takeover implementation that has essentially failed.    There is no better joy than seeing a company thrive using new state-of-the-art systems and software.

The Partner is the Key

Research says the first time a company chooses software, it chooses it by functionality.  The second time, the choice is made based on the PARTNER, not the software.   Our implementation skills at RefinedLogix are earned from many years of experience coupled with great training, learning from mistakes, recording observed mis-steps, and by developing a solid plan for success based on the scars of bad implementations.

Ten Steps for Project Success at RefinedLogix

Changing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system can be complex and difficult, but we employ effective change management based on our experience and have found it is crucial for a smooth transition. Here are Ten Steps to ensure success during an ERP transformation:

  1. Create a Strong Change Leadership Team: Assemble a key team with strong leadership qualities and a deep understanding of your organization’s culture. They’ll champion the change, address concerns, and build excitement among employees.
  2. Establish a Clear Change Management Strategy: Define your vision and project goals clearly. Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines key activities, milestones, and communication channels for managing change throughout the implementation process.
  3. Show the Road Map Early on:  Most of the time when you gather for an event and you are unsure where to go, you will have velvet ropes with signs to show you the way through (now they use guides that look like seat belts).  End-users find comfort in having these barriers as they traverse the implementation.  It is important to guide the team through the process in a way that it’s easy to understand.
  4. Take Small Bites – Break up the project into small bites, with multiple successes rather than one big success many months later. Users respond better to eating the elephant one bite at a time and marking successes at each milestone.
  5. Expect the Unexpected: Make sure to advise everyone that unexpected problems will arise when least expected but don’t fret because they will be addressed and a solution will be communicated.
  6. Engage and Communicate with Stakeholders: Involve all the players early at all levels, from top management to end-users. Create a compelling communication plan that emphasizes ERP benefits, addresses concerns, and provides regular updates on progress.   But simultaneously, do not provide so much information that the reports are ignored over time.
  7. Involve Employees from the Start: Engage employees early in the process. Seek their input on pain points, challenges, and opportunities for improvement. This insures they will feel invested in the decision-making process.
  8. Address Resistance and Concerns: Anticipate resistance and proactively address it. Understand employee concerns and provide reassurance. Communicate the positive impact of the ERP solution on their work.
  9. Provide Ongoing Training and Support: Ensure employees understand new processes and their roles. Offer comprehensive training and ongoing support to facilitate adoption.
  10. Celebrate Milestones and Successes: Acknowledge achievements throughout the transformation. Celebrate milestones to maintain momentum and boost morale.

 By following these steps, organizations can navigate the wave of change and ensure a successful ERP implementation. 🚀

Let us do this for your company, no matter where you are in your process, just starting, or if you are suffering through a bad implementation, we will help!


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